Troop Information
Troop 108 has been an active troop for over 79 years. 80 members of the troop have achieved the highest rank of Eagle Scout. Troop 108 adheres to the guidelines of the BSA Scouts of America, teaching outdoor skills, encouraging personal development through the achievement of merit badges, promoting community service, and providing the opportunity to develop leadership and decision-making skills.
Troop Meeting
The troop meets every Wednesday (except the first Wednesday of the month) from 7:20 PM to 9:00 PM, during the school year, first floor of the Hillsdale United Methodist Church located in Hillsdale, NJ.
Committee Meeting (adult leaders & volunteers)
This is normally on the 1st Wednesday of each month beginning at 8:00 PM. ALL parents are welcome! Please check the calendar for up-to-date information. Scouting is for parents, too! Active, committed adult leaders and parents are the heart and soul of a successful Scout Troop. A little time and a little effort can make a huge difference in a young person's life. Volunteer to help at one of our many events... you'll be glad you did!
Summer Camp
For the past few years, Troop 108 has attended Camp NoBeBoSco . This Scout camp teaches younger scouts the skills needed for the rank of Tenderfoot and provides older scouts with the opportunity to complete merit badges in a variety of categories. Older scouts also have the opportunity to attend Floodwood, a high adventure camp located in the Adirondacks.
Interested in Joining or Learning More?
If you are interested in joining or learning more about our troop please contact